Lane Powell logo

Lane Powell

Brand Rollout & Marketing


Challenge: Roll out branding, designed by Seattle design agency 206, across all print and digital systems for large Seattle-headquartered law firm. This required intensive press checks with Seattle and Portland printers, and deep coordination with the in-house IT development team. Additionally, I created all day-to-day marketing material for the firm.
Team/Role: Designer for the Marketing Department
Effect: Successful print projects, consistent branding for all collateral and in-house IT templates and systerms.


Project management
Adobe Creative Suite
MS Office

Brand Print Collateral

Lane Powell Branded Print Suite

Branded Folder Designs

Designs for branded folders

Animal Advocacy Group Trifold

Animal Advocacy Group Trifold

Transportation Practice Group Branding

Transportation Group Trifold

Events Web Collateral

LanePowell-HedLP temp

Seminar Slides

ipad kiosk design: vertical branded banner

Seminar Slides

Seminar slide deisgns

Event Invitations

42 Open House_Page_2
42 Open House_Page_1
designclaire wht

© Claire Brandt 2023